Before I begin, I know it's been long. I feel like I'm writing in my journal I promise myself to keep up with and end up starting each post like this "I wish I wrote in here more." I'm serious. Here it is for proof…
I know it's a bad quality photo but I did it on purpose because as much as I love you, I like to keep what I write in this journal private. But, back to what I was saying. It's been a while. To me, it hasn't felt like much because oh lord have I been through a lot.
I'm not a complainer, at least publicly. But I had to sit down one day and really pray to God for an answer as to why I've had the hardest semester of my life. Is it okay I say "semester;" I still say college terms. For those of you not in college - I've had the hardest four months of my life.
1. 2 surgeries: one was an emergency because of a complication and the other was planned and formed complications after. Funny how that worked out.
2. long distance relationship where I found out it will be another four months this coming spring semester. Need I say more?
3. first semester of graduate school studying something I've never studied before.
4. starting a new job at the same time as school.
5. insomnia. I still don't know why I have this. It just decided to join me during these months.
Honestly, there were times I didn't know what to do with myself. I just sat at my computer and wrote out what I felt and that seemed to work. Other than that, praying worked. It's amazing the little epiphanies that come into your head while your praying. This is what I started thinking after I put my hands together, looked up at the sky, and asked "why?"
1. I'm glad this happened when I'm not married and with children.
2. The nights I couldn't sleep I got so much work done.
3. Searching for ways to relax, I learned a lot of new hobbies I'm pretty good at.
4. I grew close to my family because this whole time I've been living at home, which is amazing.
5. It honestly could be so much worse.
So, there they are! 5 reasons my semester was horrible, but 5 reasons it was worth it.
Recently, instead of focusing on what has happened, I'm using it to catapult me into planning for 2012. I feel it'll be a good year people! Planning basically involves calendars, goal setting, and reading. It is so much fun. Do I sound nerdy? Oh well.
One thing I'm doing is recording things I love right now that way I can read back at the end of next year and either make fun or appreciate those things.
Here are my top 10 things right now….
1. My new phone
2. real simple magazine
3. long dangly necklaces
4. the FSU seminoles. I'm thinking about my first credit card bit purchase being a boosters membership and 2 season tickets. Yea, this list is no joke.
5. little trinkets. preferably cute animals. this one is from vicenza, italy.
6. cupcakes. you knew this one would make the list.
7. these thin market pens.
8. positive quotes
9. cute fonts
10. him
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Spring semester planning is already under way. It's all about preparing to me and this is a low down on a typical week next semester.
This will be a very interesting semester.
This will be a very interesting semester.
Monday, November 21, 2011
This weekend I have to say I did nothing towards school and work. Well, I sent one email. At first I was upset because I wasn't getting anything done, but then I realized that sometimes rest is needed in order to come back to your bigger priorities with full force. The quote in my positivity book for today is above and it exemplifies how you need to think of the things you need to do in your day and prioritize.
For example, today I have a coupon for Michael's I want to use as well as continuing to write a diet plan for someone I told myself I'd finish by Thanksgiving. The deadline for the coupon is sooner, but the intricate diet I have to write takes priority. Michael's can wait if I don't have any time today.
We unconsciously make these decisions everyday so it's easy to get caught up in giving the wrong things a more important priority. If your child {and in my case sister} comes up to you and asks to play with you but you're busy writing an email, unless that email has to be sent in the next 10 minutes, stop for a second and play with that child.
Life flies by QUICKLY. How do you want to spend your day? Knowing you completed every errand or really paid attention to yourself and your family?
On another note, guess what recipe I looked up?
Cake pops are so wonderful. In a way, I'm sad that my theory of how they are made lived up to itself due to the fact now I know how "junky" they are. But I'm still eating them! For you health nuts, this is a great dessert for you. It may be packed with sugar, but the portion is so small if you only eat one. Great indulgence! Can't wait to make them.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
This is what I love for the fall season…
1. The best part about these pair of boots is the emblem. So pretty and simplistic, yet makes a big statement because it's gold.
2. I love this idea of taking really nice paper, typing up the menu you're serving at a party, and making it your napkin/silverware holder. This time of the year is full of get togethers and I am thankful for them.
3. This dress, you might not be able to tell, is all lace. So delicate looking.
4. I like the style of layering simple bracelets. I haven't pulled it off myself yet, but definitely plan on trying this season. If it doesn't look good I can just slip my sweater sleeve right over them.
5. Pumpkin Spice Latte: I like two coffees in this wonderful world, this is one of them.
6. Recently I decided to stop biting my nails when I get nervous and as a reward, every two weeks I go to a nail salon to paint my new longer and stronger nails. This is the color I always go for. It looks so classy and when they chip you can't tell as much as if I had put on a darker color.
Always be proud of what you love. If you don't love the new style of shoes one season, for example, how do you know the people who own them really love it themselves? Are they just wearing them because of popularity? I'd rather just focus on finding things I love and forming my unique style. Who knows, maybe one day all those people pretending to love things, will pretend to love my things.
Today is Saturday.
Time to relax and have fun with my family. For work, I sometimes have to do things on Saturday but this is the first weekend in a while I'm not traveling or working. It's weird to wake up and not know what I'm going to do. I was going to say it's weird not having a to-do list, but within two hours there will probably be one stuck on my laptop {whoever says to-do lists are only to write down work related things is totally wrong}.
On my spare time, since now I have it I've been spending it watching some speeches on….
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It's a website comprised of different speeches ranging from the informative to persuasive. I personally like the "inspiring" tab since I love listening to speeches that motivate me. I sometimes think after I watch a speech that made a difference in my mind, where I'd be if I hadn't watched it. For example, if I watch Steve Jobs' famous motivational commencement speech, I am filled with joy and a yearning to live my life to the fullest. Then I think "wow, how would my day have gone if I would've just chosen to watch tv or sit around and not watch this speech?" This makes me want to take opportunities and go out of my way to show myself motivational things.
In other news, I've decided what I'm giving to family friends for Christmas presents. Don't worry I won't reveal much because I like secrecy with presents. As for my own list, it's not that long: a new cell phone and a bike. Does that make me sound 16 or what!?
Here is a hint of the present…
I'm excited to give this present and it definitely matches my personality.
I love to think of everyone's presents super early because it is such a relief to know I have it all done while I watch frantic procrastinators rush through the store trying to see if their present ideas are still even available. I am no procrastinator!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
When I'm not in a phase of laziness, writing takes up a lot of my time.
I have a journal to record my innermost thoughts {I write mostly positive since I want my kids to read this one day}.
I write a post-it daily on what things I need to accomplish.
I write thank you notes and just thinking of you notes and send them in the mail. Let me tell you something, people still appreciate getting letters in the mail.
Catch the pattern of writing? It's such a beautiful thing and I believe in it so much because I didn't use to write in English. When I learned the new language I realized the importance of being able to communicate effectively and really appreciate words! I sound dorky. Whatever.
My new two obsessions with words are quotes and making lists. So with further ado, here are my current lists to complete:
I am so excited for Christmas I can't contain it. I'm starting my Christmas wish list as well as my "giving" list. No revealings yet of what will go on these.
And as for quotes:
I'm OBSESSED with this one right now. For me to stay positive, I need to constantly work on it. That means reading quotes, listening to upbeat music, and mentally coaching myself all day. I have my setbacks sometimes, and the littlest things can set me off, but little note cards like this help tremendously. This quote comes from a book my sister gave me last year for my birthday that has a new quote for every day. Tomorrow's lesson:
I have the power to transform the mediocre into the magnificent.
Monday, November 14, 2011
When I posted this picture on Facebook...
… people loved it. I made these cupcakes because I genuinely love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The cinnamon powder and crunchiness get to me, and this cereal is clearly my favorite.
Since I eventually want to make a business out of cupcakes, I can't reveal too much of the recipe. But I can show you in pictures.
These were so much fun to make and I can't wait to make many more batches.
On another note, I woke up this morning feeling positive. This might seem out of the ordinary of what others tend to feel, but I like Mondays. They are a promise of new things in a new week. It gives you a chance to start over and make it better than the last week. Each day is another chance God gives us to live our best life. Take the chance!
I try to read a positive affirmation book my sister gave me with daily notes and todays states:
… people loved it. I made these cupcakes because I genuinely love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The cinnamon powder and crunchiness get to me, and this cereal is clearly my favorite.
Since I eventually want to make a business out of cupcakes, I can't reveal too much of the recipe. But I can show you in pictures.
These were so much fun to make and I can't wait to make many more batches.
On another note, I woke up this morning feeling positive. This might seem out of the ordinary of what others tend to feel, but I like Mondays. They are a promise of new things in a new week. It gives you a chance to start over and make it better than the last week. Each day is another chance God gives us to live our best life. Take the chance!
I try to read a positive affirmation book my sister gave me with daily notes and todays states:
I greet each moment with hope.
How fitting for a Monday.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Every now and then as I'm reading a book, blog, or article I come across a verse I absolutely love. Today I was skimming a post over at Jones Design Company and came across this beautiful verse. I'll admit I have a problem comparing myself to others. It's a constant struggle I try to deal with and I have to say over the years I've gotten so much better at honoring myself and loving who I am. I'm almost 100% there!
At this point now, I don't compare myself too much to anyone anymore. It feels so liberating and it makes my own decisions great since I'm not taking the time to make sure everyone is okay with it. I'm at the age where I need to make huge decisions and it is so important that I learn not to depend on other's opinions and copy them before I end up living a grown up life that isn't even mine! I'm telling you, try today not to look at others in a way of jealousy or spite. Look within yourself at how wonderful you are!
Here is the verse:
I've been admiring nature.
Using this experience as a catalyst to truly enjoy life and realize that any day something could happen with my health.
Sending Tyler cute lists about men, love, and life.
Doing crafts! Wow, I did not know how much a craft could make me happy. I bought a stamp set from Michael's and I am constantly using their coupons to build up my craft space. It's so nice to know that a lot of things in my room I made and that whenever I give a note, card, or present, that it took effort to make it and truly came from the heart.
Tyler and I went on a day trip to Savannah last time he came to visit and boy did we have fun. I have just as much fun here as I do in a place like Orlando where things are built especially for fun. Savannah is beautiful, historic, unique, and full of people. It's a wonderful atmosphere and only two hours away! Tyler says his next goal is for us to take a food tour {better start exercising now}.
As for cooking, I haven't done a lot. But a couple of days ago I made cinnamon toast cupcakes and they were really good. I'm not trying to brag at all here, but I gobbled some up and am so happy to know one of my favorite cereals can be incorporated into my favorite thing to bake.
One of my friends told me I should start selling them. If you've been a reader of my blogs for a while, you know I've thought about this before. I haven't delved into the endeavor yet, but no worries because I have done the first step {researching} towards figuring out if a little cupcake business is worth it. I don't have a lot of hours in the day with work and school so I have to make sure I can do it!
Happy Thursday. May you go out into your day loving yourself and being happy.
At this point now, I don't compare myself too much to anyone anymore. It feels so liberating and it makes my own decisions great since I'm not taking the time to make sure everyone is okay with it. I'm at the age where I need to make huge decisions and it is so important that I learn not to depend on other's opinions and copy them before I end up living a grown up life that isn't even mine! I'm telling you, try today not to look at others in a way of jealousy or spite. Look within yourself at how wonderful you are!
Here is the verse:
“Stop comparing yourself to other people. When you compare yourself to others, you end up either feeling that you’re better than they are, or feeling bad about yourself. Neither of those things is what I want for you.
I created each of My children with unique talents. And I have given each of you your own road to follow. So it is useless to compare yourself to someone else – that person has a completely different path to follow.
When you want to feel good about yourself, remember how much I love you. Remember that I made you just the way I want you to be. And remember that I died so you could have My salvation. You are a jewel in My crown.”
So, what's been going on in my own life?
I've been admiring nature.
Using this experience as a catalyst to truly enjoy life and realize that any day something could happen with my health.
Sending Tyler cute lists about men, love, and life.
Doing crafts! Wow, I did not know how much a craft could make me happy. I bought a stamp set from Michael's and I am constantly using their coupons to build up my craft space. It's so nice to know that a lot of things in my room I made and that whenever I give a note, card, or present, that it took effort to make it and truly came from the heart.
As for cooking, I haven't done a lot. But a couple of days ago I made cinnamon toast cupcakes and they were really good. I'm not trying to brag at all here, but I gobbled some up and am so happy to know one of my favorite cereals can be incorporated into my favorite thing to bake.
One of my friends told me I should start selling them. If you've been a reader of my blogs for a while, you know I've thought about this before. I haven't delved into the endeavor yet, but no worries because I have done the first step {researching} towards figuring out if a little cupcake business is worth it. I don't have a lot of hours in the day with work and school so I have to make sure I can do it!
Happy Thursday. May you go out into your day loving yourself and being happy.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Men function so differently. Since I didn't grow up with brothers, I don't quite know their way of thinking but having a boyfriend answers a lot of my questions. For me, if you meet the 5 things above and you can keep up with a conversation, we're okay. Some days will be difficult, but some will be the best.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Ever so often I relax to the point that my mind wanders and an epiphany arises. I'll admit the usual epiphany that enters my mind is "wow, life is short and I only have one." It sends me into a motivational spiral, sending me to the best sources on happiness, success, and overall life strategies.
The most recent epiphany I had let me to the Positivity Blog. One word: obsessed. I actually came across it while researching for a workshop I'm creating for the students at work. As I researched, the epiphany arose and my yearning to suck all of the positive information from this site grew.
Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed reading all of these tips because I want to remember them all. I wish my mind were a sponge that can just hold all of these tips in. Out of all of the things I read, I think this is a great way to start off learning more about positivity:
4 common roadblocks of being positive
1. Being surrounded by negativity
2. You think you have to be optimistic 100% of the time
3. You get stuck because of the benefits of negativity
4. You don't exercise, which helps the mind.
Before you make a change towards bettering your mind, you need to understand why it is you make negative choices. If you don't know why exactly you think the way you do, then when you work on yourself you'll just be covering the negativity, but it'll still be there below all the new things. Once you understand the reasoning behind why you do what you do, even the bad, you can start changing that instead of just reading a book about positivity and hoping the words fly out of the book and change you.
For example, you tend to be negative and realize that when people console you, you really enjoy it. Then you think to yourself "maybe I think negatively so people can pay attention to me and console me." The problem doesn't end up being negativity as much as it is an attention issue. Which leads you to ponder "why do I want attention?" At the end of the conversation with yourself, you might realize that the reason you're negative sometimes is because you want some attention to help your self esteem or de-stress you. If you figure this deeper problem out, you can work towards that in a positive manner and form a habit of learning more about yourself as well as your habits.
In the end this is a process on improving yourself. So get to know everything that makes you tick. It'll make all your hard work on improving that much more worthwhile and authentic. Learn a lot but most importantly, have fun!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I don't know how it is where you live, but here in Jacksonville, everyone seems to be getting a cold. The minute I hear someone sniffle or talk in a lower slow voice, I step back one foot to avoid germs. I've been able to follow rules I put on myself to avoid getting sick, but today I woke up a little "sniffly." It's so hard to try and sanitize everything because you eventually forget a doorknob, laugh to close to someone's face, or hold hands with someone who isn't showing symptoms yet but has a cold brewing inside of them.
Even though I might be getting a cold as I type this, I'm the last person to get it because I followed some great tips to keep myself healthy. You've heard some before, but it's worth repeating since all I see is people getting sick. Either you don't listen, don't think the tips will work, or just don't care, but I'll feel better knowing I tried giving you advice on how to prevent yourself from getting a cold.
Wash your hands. 30 seconds.
Use wipes to sanitize work areas and doorknobs.
Take a multivitamin or a heavy dose of Vitamin C.
Take a nice shower after work to relax and wash off germs.
In addition to washing hands, anti-bacterialize them as well.
Don't speak close to someone's face who is sick.
Tell the person coughing to cough into their arm and not their hand.
Sleep and exercise.
Don't touch your face.
Drink a lot of fluids.
If you notice a lot of these tips are already practiced by healthy people. I'd like to point out once again an advantage to being healthy.
You get sick less.
When I was at my healthiest, I went 2 whole years without getting sick. I listened to my body, exercised daily, ate wonderfully, and paid attention to the positive state of my mind. Since then, the typical "I'm busy" and "There's more important things on my plate" excuses started. Well when those excuses started, so did a cold. Sometimes people don't notice that the time they think they are saving making quicker unhealthier choices is actually costing you more time in the future than you think. 1 hour of exercise each day and packing a lunch can save you from 2 weeks of a cold where you can't perform at your best. Think about it. Even if you don't care getting a cold, can you please care enough to sanitize after yourself so others don't get sick?
It's all about being healthy today! Take care of yourself at least today. See how that works out for you.
Monday, October 17, 2011
I love to write and have always thought that it might be my calling. But when I think about how often I actually write I doubt whether or not it might be a purpose. In my analytical mind, I tried to analyze why this is so. I think that I do love to write and I should venture out to see if it's my true calling, but I'm missing something: motivation.
I've always had a tough time doing anything that might require even a pinch of motivation. Things have come easily for me, but the best things are discovered through working towards them. As I get older and get to know myself more, I'm instantly working harder on things that motivate me.
For example, through my appendectomy I lost some weight and made it to my "ideal body weight." Ever since I look and feel how I want to look {and not how everyone else wants me to look}, I instantly am filled with motivation to keep being healthy and take good care of my body. What a perfect example of how something considered typically considered negative {a surgery} can reap a reward in your life.
In a less deep thinking sense, Fall has made its way into my life, which means new outfits! I don't consider myself fashionable in any way, but I do love to pay attention to how I look and present myself.
My scarf holder is ready to go with my favorite scarves for fall!
My mom took advantage of an amazing sale at Old Navy this past weekend and let me choose from the pile of clothes what I wanted. I liked this color green {even though I feel like sometimes when I wear green it makes me look sick} and this nautically inspired sweater.
I've been shopping a lot at Michaels recently due to two reasons:
1. I'm in a crafting phase right now
2. I keep getting fabulous coupons!
With a 50% off coupon I bought this stamp kit that enables me to make my own stamps!
I tried it out first with Tyler and I's initials with a cute circle.
I didn't distribute the ink evenly, but for my first attempt at "stamping" I think I did well! Practice makes perfect of course.
On the school front, there are no new updates that deem exciting enough. Unless you want to hear about GDP, the Federal Reserve, and embezzlement, there's nothing. I'll stop there.
Work is amazing! I truly enjoy helping students have an amazing experience in college that they wouldn't have otherwise if the program didn't exist. I actually have a job that I'm excited to go to in the morning and I feel truly blessed for that. It's sad when I think of the millions of people that don't have the same experience. I will make sure that when I pave my way into my career life, success will be measured by happiness and not wealth.
I've always had a tough time doing anything that might require even a pinch of motivation. Things have come easily for me, but the best things are discovered through working towards them. As I get older and get to know myself more, I'm instantly working harder on things that motivate me.
For example, through my appendectomy I lost some weight and made it to my "ideal body weight." Ever since I look and feel how I want to look {and not how everyone else wants me to look}, I instantly am filled with motivation to keep being healthy and take good care of my body. What a perfect example of how something considered typically considered negative {a surgery} can reap a reward in your life.
In a less deep thinking sense, Fall has made its way into my life, which means new outfits! I don't consider myself fashionable in any way, but I do love to pay attention to how I look and present myself.
My scarf holder is ready to go with my favorite scarves for fall!
My mom took advantage of an amazing sale at Old Navy this past weekend and let me choose from the pile of clothes what I wanted. I liked this color green {even though I feel like sometimes when I wear green it makes me look sick} and this nautically inspired sweater.
I've been shopping a lot at Michaels recently due to two reasons:
1. I'm in a crafting phase right now
2. I keep getting fabulous coupons!
With a 50% off coupon I bought this stamp kit that enables me to make my own stamps!
I tried it out first with Tyler and I's initials with a cute circle.
I didn't distribute the ink evenly, but for my first attempt at "stamping" I think I did well! Practice makes perfect of course.
On the school front, there are no new updates that deem exciting enough. Unless you want to hear about GDP, the Federal Reserve, and embezzlement, there's nothing. I'll stop there.
Work is amazing! I truly enjoy helping students have an amazing experience in college that they wouldn't have otherwise if the program didn't exist. I actually have a job that I'm excited to go to in the morning and I feel truly blessed for that. It's sad when I think of the millions of people that don't have the same experience. I will make sure that when I pave my way into my career life, success will be measured by happiness and not wealth.
With happiness comes wealth. Not the other way around.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Is TV making girls mean?
I watched a news story about this and thought I would say my own two cents about the issue.
TV is so readily available, which is great, but can cause problems if they get into the wrong hands. Girls, especially teenage girls, are in the years where they are forming into themselves and really using what they see as a learning tool, and in this case a learning weapon. Some girls do realize that the friendships they see on TV aren't really friendships, but others aren't so lucky. Parents have a big role in showing their daughters what a good basis for a friendship is versus what isn't. Shows like Mean Girls, Gossip Girl, Bad Girls Club, and Jersey Shore are just a few of the shows that have scenes of girls fighting verbally and even physically.
With fighting, there are two differences: physical violence and relational aggression. We all know what the first one means and the second one suggests overall meanness and aggression towards people you have a relationship with. Usually we tend to see more of the relational aggression in shows. In my own personal experience, I think the fact that I had a close relationship with my parents and they taught me really early on how to treat others, these shows were a shock when I first saw them. Yes, I'll admit I've seen one of the shows I listed earlier, but only a few episodes. The difference with me and maybe another girl, however, is that when I watched the show, my personality and way I treat others did not change. I already knew before watching the show that the behaviors exemplified in it were not correct. Other girls are not so lucky.
Nowadays bullying is so prevalent and these shows are one of the many reasons this trend has come about. I'll tell you this much: being mean to others isn't right and no ones wins {even when you think you do because you're being cool putting someone down}. Can you imagine how things would be if bullying weren't so prevalent: people would invite the whole class to their birthday party, you wouldn't be scared in choosing your lunch table, you would have friends with different interests and backgrounds and mesh well, and most of all you wouldn't ever be scared to be yourself.
I know that we can't cut bullying completely out of our lives because some people are too far into the trend. But, we can definitely lower it. Girls, stop fighting and saying mean things about each other. Just because someone's opinions and ways of being are different than yours, then take them as "different" and not "wrong." If someone is rude to you, brush it off. {Hint: that annoys the bully even more than fighting back}.
"1 out of 4 kids is Bullied. An American Justice Department school bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics studies shows that this month 1 out of every 4 kids will be abused by another youth."
As you can see my post started off as a rant about TV shows and ended up talking about bullying. But that's just how popular this topic is and how everyday things make you think about the problem overall. Something as small as a 30 minute show can cause statistics like the one above. Let's stop bullying! And I'm not saying don't watch those shows. If you like it, watch it. Just have a mindset before watching it, knowing that the attitudes and actions of mean women on TV are wrong.
Here are some TV shows I watch where I haven't seen a lot of fighting:
Rachel Zoe Project
Extreme Home Makeover
anything on the Food Network
Cupcake Wars
Wow, there aren't a lot :(
Monday, October 3, 2011
thank you
Since my recovery is almost over {or at least I feel that way}, I am finally looking back on photos and reminiscing over the last week. I have concluded that I have such wonderful friends and family. It was a coincidence I had surgery the same week I celebrated my birthday, and I have to admit not once did I feel sad because of this. I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday and didn't even go downstairs in my house. People came to visit me straight to my room, brought me foods they knew I would be able to eat, and went out of their way to call/text me.
birthday cookies and cupcakes
THE BEST SURPRISE: Tyler came to visit me! I honestly did not think he would come and didn't ask him if he was coming for fear of getting upset. I let things ride and appreciated anything Tyler was going to offer me as comfort and birthday wishes. I did not know this meant surprising me at my door with flowers and two balloons {a get well soon and happy birthday one}
The people at work made me a wonderfully big card and it took me a couple of minutes to read all the wonderful notes people wrote. I still have it in my room and will keep it for a long time!
The number one person I want to thank is my mom! She was so amazing these days making me wonderful meals for my "all liquid" diet and just being with me through the good and bad times. It was a great bonding experience!
Here's an example of the wonderful meals she would make me {from scratch!}
I felt so loved that the only appropriate thing was to start writing thank you cards. I'm still writing them because I try to make thank you cards personal and truly come from my heart. And of course they take longer because I have to make my own and not buy them. Oh my crafty self! I've definitely been in a crafty mood lately, which I think is due to the long hours staying at home. I'm definitely not complaining at the things I've learned staying at home.
Another thing I learned at home was to truly appreciate nature. The days here have been amazing lately: low 70s and no clouds in sight. I LOVE fall and I can definitely say it is my favorite season. Here is a photo I took quickly with my phone of a beautiful rainbow my family spotted arriving at home.
To say this surgery was an experience for me doesn't do it justice. Even though there were painful moments I learned that:
1. I am considered really healthy {according to the doctor and nurses}
2. I take being outside for granted. I need to get outside and smell the fresh air more.
3. I have such a giving and wonderful boyfriend
{I knew this. This experience just made him look even better!}
4. I love doing crafts. I should do them more often.
5. My family and friends are very giving and thoughtful.
6. With every experience you might deem "negative" you can always twist it to be something positive.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
I have read all of the great raves about Pinterest and now I am finally jumping on the bandwagon. I love the idea of having all of my design interests that float around in my brain neatly organized into one website. I always have ideas and different projects I want to try but either end up forgetting or not remembering what website or book I found them in. My crafty self is thanking me for finding this amazing website.
For later, just so you know, the direct link is also on this blog.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
As I'm recovering in my room, I also am celebrating my birthday today! I am {drumroll please}…
I don't feel as old, and I especially don't feel like it's my birthday today. I have to admit it's kind of weird spending it stuck in my room, but I've already had two visitors and some sweets delivered to me. I am so blessed to be surrounded by people that truly care about me and that is the best present ever! Even though I'm starting out 24 in a somewhat icky predicament, I know this year will be great. I told myself 23 was the last year I could make excuses along the lines of still considering myself a college student. 24 is different. There's no more excuses, because there's nothing "teenage" like about this age.
I am so excited to start out a new year fresh and focusing on what really matters in my life.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
I might not be blogging as much due to the fact I had an unexpected appendectomy last night. It started off as abdominal pain and after a cat scan was taken I was told I had appendicitis.
So here's the timeline
1- stomach ache begins. I think I'm hungry.
230- starting to feel I might have a stomach gas.
330- more intense pain that radiates my entire stomach.
500- starting to ask my mom to come home from a baby shower because pain is now on right side of my body. I think its a spastic colon. My back hurts and my stomach is tender to the touch.
600- pain is unbearable. I'm shaking, nauseous, feel like I'm running a slight fever. I can't breathe in all the way from the pain and can't cry because it hurts too much. I walk slowly to relieve pain which helps a tiny bit but walking makes me dizzy and nauseous.
700- a family friend who is an internal medicine doctor comes to check up on me. Before she arrives I tell my mom something I've never said " I think I might have to go to the hospital." take note I have worked at a hospital but never been a patient in one.
730- as my family friend is touching my abdomen she presses a certain spot on my right lower side that hurts so bad I had to push her hand away. It felt like a little knife was poking into my organs.
800- arrive at hospital after making sure little sister is in good hands.she thinks she's going on a playdate and I'm going to check something at the doctors.
830- I'm already hooked up to an IV and the take a blood test.

1000- nurse brings in two water bottles with what looks like Crystal Light in them. It's iodine to get a cat scan. It weirdly tastes okay and I drink both in less than an hour under instructions given to do so. I start peeing every 20 minutes from the saline solution given to me through IV. (my fingers are still bloated from all the liquid as I type this.)
1120- time to get cat scan. I go to a room being pushed in my bed, which the nurse tries to be funny and say I'm getting VIP treatment.
1130- cat scan is over. It only lasts like three minutes. They inject you with an iodine contrast that feels warm as it goes in so of course it made me want to pee pretty bad.
1200- I find out I have appendicitis and I'm in shock because I still thought it was a stomach gas that just got stuck somewhere. Surgery is within an hour.
200- surgery begins. I remember everything up to when they put the mask on me. I remember thinking I couldn't breathe right but I think my body was trying to fight through the induced sleep that was about to happen.
315- I'm awake and learn the procedure took 45 minutes. I think how amazing surgeons are. I am in no pain and I'm taken to the room where my mom is waiting and I will be staying in.
3-515- sleep
530-130pm I recover. I pee about thirty times and walk around the halls once. My nurses keep telling me because I'm pretty healthy to begin with, my recovery will be quicker.
230- I am sent home. Since then I've been confined to my bed besides two short walks and two bathroom stops. I have been prescribed an antibiotic, 2 pain killers, and an anti nausea medicine. My bed and apple juice are my friends.
Remember to always listen to your body. My type of surgery is not something I could've controlled with my health, but because I know my body well from taking care of it correctly, I knew the pain I felt suggested something was wrong.
So here's the timeline
1- stomach ache begins. I think I'm hungry.
230- starting to feel I might have a stomach gas.
330- more intense pain that radiates my entire stomach.
500- starting to ask my mom to come home from a baby shower because pain is now on right side of my body. I think its a spastic colon. My back hurts and my stomach is tender to the touch.
600- pain is unbearable. I'm shaking, nauseous, feel like I'm running a slight fever. I can't breathe in all the way from the pain and can't cry because it hurts too much. I walk slowly to relieve pain which helps a tiny bit but walking makes me dizzy and nauseous.
700- a family friend who is an internal medicine doctor comes to check up on me. Before she arrives I tell my mom something I've never said " I think I might have to go to the hospital." take note I have worked at a hospital but never been a patient in one.
730- as my family friend is touching my abdomen she presses a certain spot on my right lower side that hurts so bad I had to push her hand away. It felt like a little knife was poking into my organs.
800- arrive at hospital after making sure little sister is in good hands.she thinks she's going on a playdate and I'm going to check something at the doctors.
830- I'm already hooked up to an IV and the take a blood test.

1000- nurse brings in two water bottles with what looks like Crystal Light in them. It's iodine to get a cat scan. It weirdly tastes okay and I drink both in less than an hour under instructions given to do so. I start peeing every 20 minutes from the saline solution given to me through IV. (my fingers are still bloated from all the liquid as I type this.)
1120- time to get cat scan. I go to a room being pushed in my bed, which the nurse tries to be funny and say I'm getting VIP treatment.
1130- cat scan is over. It only lasts like three minutes. They inject you with an iodine contrast that feels warm as it goes in so of course it made me want to pee pretty bad.
1200- I find out I have appendicitis and I'm in shock because I still thought it was a stomach gas that just got stuck somewhere. Surgery is within an hour.
here i am on my way to surgery.
115- surgeon, whom I already know from mutual friends arrives to make sure I'm not nervous and tells me what's going to happen200- surgery begins. I remember everything up to when they put the mask on me. I remember thinking I couldn't breathe right but I think my body was trying to fight through the induced sleep that was about to happen.
315- I'm awake and learn the procedure took 45 minutes. I think how amazing surgeons are. I am in no pain and I'm taken to the room where my mom is waiting and I will be staying in.
3-515- sleep
530-130pm I recover. I pee about thirty times and walk around the halls once. My nurses keep telling me because I'm pretty healthy to begin with, my recovery will be quicker.
I'm on an all liquid diet and this was my breakfast. I have to say I was kind of weirded out by the chicken broth but after not eating for almost 24 hours, anything tasted good. Apple juice is definitely my best friend nowadays.
230- I am sent home. Since then I've been confined to my bed besides two short walks and two bathroom stops. I have been prescribed an antibiotic, 2 pain killers, and an anti nausea medicine. My bed and apple juice are my friends.
Remember to always listen to your body. My type of surgery is not something I could've controlled with my health, but because I know my body well from taking care of it correctly, I knew the pain I felt suggested something was wrong.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
10 favorite fonts
As you can tell, I love using cute fonts in my posts. I either found them here or went straight to the website here. I always like to see how I can make my posts different then others and a great looking font is a step towards that direction.
Pea Lovey Dovey
Claudia Jean
Eight Fifteen
House Sitter's Club
Little Days
Modern No. 20
Pea Lauren France
Pea Quinny
Three Date,s, One Night
The actual font I use in my blog posts all the time is Georgia. It's so sleek and simple, and I LOVE simple things! Having a good set of fonts is great to use for writing letters, printing out invitations, sending fun emails, and a lot of different craft projects.
… use your first letter of your name and make a monogramed art print.
... sign your name at the end of each email with a cute twist.
… send your sweetheart a handwritten note to school or work as a surprise.
… spice up your blog.
… make labels, invitations, notes, and projects look more personalized.
I can think of countless reasons why unique fonts are great! Try downloading them to your computer. If you have trouble and have a Mac computer such as myself I found a tutorial on how to download these fonts here. This page describes what to do after you've downloaded it from the website I linked above. Enjoy.
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